
In an effort to have lots of wonderful healthy plants waiting for you we have spent all our time busy working in the greenhouse, and consequently woefully neglected any web presence. We are all anxiously awaiting ‘Mater Days, and scurrying along trying to get everything ready. And we are definitely excited to see all of your familiar faces, as well as new ones. Right now we have most of our herbs ready (basils are still small), and plenty of succulents. Perennials are coming along nicely. Come out and visit! April hours will be Monday thru Saturday 9am to 6pm, Sunday noon to 4pm. And I’m sure there will be some flex in there, if our gate is open it’s likely we’re open and here to help you.
MATER DAYS!!! is Friday April 21st! That weekend is sure to be crazy. We will not bring any of our tomatoes or peppers out before that weekend. Some varieties we will only have small quantities of, and this assures that everyone gets a fair chance at getting some.
We are so excited for this season! This winter we got a second greenhouse up, it’s holding all our veggies right now. We’ve been working on multiple other projects beautifying the grounds. Of course it’s always ongoing. Come say hi, and pick up a lovely. Below are lists of tomatoes, peppers and veggies for this year!
Thieneman tomato list 2017
Thieneman’s other vegetables17
Thienema’s Peppers 17
Hello fellow gardeners!!!
Mater Days is in a matter of weeks and everyone is getting super excited.
Doors open at 9am Friday April 17th!!
This year we have 140+ varieties of tomatoes, including interesting new hybrids, heirlooms and Kentucky heirlooms. We have 80+ varieties of peppers ranging from sweet to super hot. And we have lots of great veggies including eggplants, tomatillos, melons, lettuces, cold crops, etc! Plus, of course, herbs to pair with all your produce.
We are keeping our fingers crossed for great weather, and expect to have another wonderful turnout. Remember, it’s first come first serve, so if you want the best selection of varieties come early. Super hot peppers seem to always go fast.
Below are links to varieties for 2015.
If you’d like specific info on varieties here is an awesome website:
Peppers 15 Thienemans Misc. Vegetables tomatoes 15
Opening day for our heirloom tomatoes and pepper is …………….
APRIL 19TH at 9:00AM. We have a great variety again this year, but varieties are limited (some more than others). It’s a first come, first serve basis so get here soon if there is a certain variety you want. We are hoping for warm weather and another great year! And a huge huge thanks goes out to Lynda and Terry for their countless hours of work organizing and growing all these wonderful veggies! Without them we wouldn’t have had a Mater Days.
Here is is guys and gals! Tomatoes, peppers, and other veggies will be $1.99 this year.
Opening Day is FRIDAY APRIL 22nd at 9AM
Abe Hall R Sl I Hrl. KY
Abraham Lincoln Orginal R Sl I Hrl
Akers West VA R Sl I Hrl
Amana Orange O Sl I Hrl IA
Amish Paste R P I Hrl Wisc.
Arkansas Traveler P Sl I Hrl NC
Aunt Lou’s Underground Railroad R Sl I Hrl KY
Aunt Ruby’s German Green Gr Sl I Hrl Germ
Australian Heart( Joe Thieneman’s) R Sl I Hrl KY
Barnes Mountain Yellow O Sl I Hrl KY
Bear Creek
Beefsteak R Sl I Hrl
Belgium Giant P Sl I Hrl OH
Believe It or Not R Sl I Hrl
Berkley Tie Die (Pink) Drk P/G Sl I Hrl
Berkley Tie-Die P/G Sl I Hrl
Better Boy R Sl I Hybrid
Big Boy R Sl I Hybrid
Big Rainbow R/G Sl I Hrl
Black &Brown Boar Bl/G Sl I Hrl
Black Cherry Bl/G C I Hrl
Black from Tula Br/R Sl I Hrl Russia
Black Krim Br/R Sl I Hrl Russia
Black Mountain R Sl I Hrl KY
Black Pear Bl C I Hr;l
Black Prince BL Sl I Hrl Siberia
Blondkopfchen Y C I Hrl E. Germ.
Brandywine Pink P Sl I Hrl
Brandywine Red landis R Sl I Hrl
Brandywine Liam P Sl I Hrl
Brandywine Suddath Strain P Sl I Hrl
Brandywine, Yellow Y Sl I Hrl
Brnadywine Black BL Sl I Hrl
Buckeye Yellow Y Sl I Hrl
Bulgarian Triumph R C I Hrl
Celebrity R Sl D Hybrid
Champagne Cherry Y/W C I Hrl
Cherokee Green Gr Sl I Hrl
Cherokee Purple Pr Sl I Hrl
Cow’s Tit R P I Hrl NC
Delicious R Sl I Hrl
Depp”s Firefly Pink R/P Sl I Hrl KY
Dr. Goodwin’s Ky Red. R Sl I Hrl KY
Dr. Wyche’s yellow O Sl I Hrl
Egg Yolk O C I Hrl
Franks Large Red P Sl I Hrl KY
German Johnson P Sl I Hrl VA
Giant Paste R Sl/P I Hrl
Giant Red Pear Abruzzese R Sl/SauceI Hrl
Gift from Woodland
Gildo Pietroboni R Sl I Hrl
Gold Medal Yellow Y Sl I Hrl
Grandfather Ashlock P Sl I Hrl
Grandma Viney’s Yellow&pink P/Y Sl I Hrl Ky
Granny Cantrell’s German P Sl I Hrl Ky
Grant County P Sl I Hrl KY
Great White W Sl I Hrl
Green Zebra Gr/Y Sl I Hrl
Hawaiian Pineapple Y Sl I Hrl
Hazelfield Farm Rd. R Sl I Hrl KY
Heinz 1350 R Canning D Hrl
Henderson Pink Ponderosa P Sl I Hrl
Husky Gold Y Sl F1 Hyb
Illini Gold O P I Hrl
Japanese Black Trifele BL P I Hrl
Jetstar R Sl I Hyb
Juliet Hybrid R C I Hyb
Kellogg’s Breakfast O Sl I Hrl W. Va.
Kentucky Beefsteak O Sl I Hrl KY
Kosovo P Canning I Hrl
Large Bare Boar Br Sl I Hrl
Lennie and Gracies Yellow Y Sl I Hrl KY
Linnie’s Oxheart R Sl,Sauce I Hrl KY
Lumpy Red R Sl I Hrl KY
Manaluci R Sl I Hrl
Marglobe R Sl D Hrl
Marmande Precoce (early) R Sl Semi/D Hrl France
Matt’s Wild Cherry R C I Hrl
Micro Tom R C D Hyb
Mortgage Lifter P Sl I Hrl
New Big Dwarf P Sl D Hrl
Old KY O Sl I Hrl KY
Old Virginia R Sl I Hrl
Omar’s Lebanese P Sl Hrl Lebannon
Orange Pixie O Sl D Hyb
Oxhart P Sl I Hrl
Paul Robeson Bl Sl I Hrl Russia
Peg’s Round Orange
Pike County P Sl I Hrl KY
Pink Pear P C I Hrl
Pink Ponderosa P Sl I Hrl
Ponderosa, Golden Y Sl I Hrl W. Va.
Principe Borghese R P D Hrl Italy
Purple Dog Creek P Sl I Hrl KY
Ramapo R Sl I Hrl
Rebcca Sebastian’s Bull Bag R Sl I Hrl KY
Red Pear R C I Hrl
Riesentraube R C I Hrl Germany
Roma VF R P D
Romeo Roma R P I Hrl
Rose Beauty Y Sl I Hrl KY
Russian 117 R Sl I Hrl
Rutgers R Sl D Hrl
San Marzano Bush R P I Hrl
San Marzano3 R P I Hrl
Scatolone 2 R P I Hrl
Schimmelig Stripped R I
St. Pierre R Sl I Hrl
Stakeless R Sl D HybF3
Stupice R Sl Hrl
Sugary R C I Hyb
Sungold Y C I HYB
Super Beefsteak R Sl I Hyb
Super Bush R Sl D Hyb
Sweet Currant R C I
Sweet Pea Currant
Uncle Mark Bagby P Sl I Hrl KY
Verna Orange O Sl Hrl
Vinson Watts P Sl I Hrl KY
Violett Jasper Pr/strp C I Hrl
Virginia Sweets G Sl I Hrl
Walzer R C I Hrl NC
Watermelon Beefsteak P Sl I Hrl
White Cherry W C Hrl
Wins-all P Sl I Hrl
Wolford Wonder P Sl I Hrl KY
Yellow Bell Paste Y P Hrl
Yellow Pear Y C I Hrl
Yoder’s German Yellow G Sl I Hrl Amish
Determinate (D) Ripen
fruit at same time then
die. (2 week period)
Indeterminate (I)
Bares fruits until killed by
Hot Peppers:
Aji limon (limon Hot Pepper)
Allepo Hot
Ancho San Martin HY
Aribibi Gusano
Beber Ethipian
Bishops Crown
boldogi Hungarian
Cajun Tobasco
Devil Toung Hot Chili
Fish Pepper
Habanero White
Habanero Yellow Lemon
Hungarian Hot Wax
Jalapeno, early
Jalapeno, Tam Mild
Jamacan Yellow
Joes Long Cayenne
Leutschauer Paprika
New Mexico 6 Chili
Nicaraguan Chili
Nu Mex Big Jim
Ot Heim
Peter, Red
Peter, Yellow
Purple Podded Chili
Santaka (Japanese)
Serrano Tampiqueno
Silina Laboyo
Sonora Anaheim Chili
Trifetti Hot Pepper
Bell Peppers:
California Wonder
California Wonder Orange
Flavorburst Green-yellow
Gourmet F! Green-orange
King Arthur Green- red
Mini Bell Mix
Orange Sun Pepper
Purple Beauty
Red Bell Mercury
Sweet Lilac
White Bell
Sweet Peppers:
Ash County N.C.
Carmen HY
Corno Di toro rosa
Fushimi 36
Lefleur Orchid
Marconi Giallo
Marconi Roso
Sheepnose Pimento
Shepherds Rams Horn
Sweet Banana
Sweet French Vidi
Topepo Rosso
Misc Veggies:
Amethyst Hyb Eggplant.
Bambino Eggplant
Hansel Hybrid Eggplant
Kamo Eggplant
Little Fingers Eggplant
Orlando Eggplalnt
Pumpkin on a Stick (Eggplant)
Red Eggplant
Salangana Eggeplant
Turkish Orange eggplant
Aunt Molly’s Ground Cherries
Tomatillo Green
Tomatillo Purple
Tomatillo Pineapple
Abe Hall
Ace 55
Amish Oxheart
Amish Paste
Arkansas Travler
Aunt Ruby’s German Green
Australian Heart, ‘Joe Thieneman’
Barnes Mountain Pink
Barnes Mountain Yellow
Bear Claw
Black Cherry
Black From Tula
Black Krim
Black Master
Black Mountain Pink
Black Pear
Black Plum
Black Prince
Black Truffle
Black Yum Yum
Brandy Sudduths Pink
Buckeye Yellow
Bulgarian Triumph Red
Butler Skinner
Calf’s Heart
Caspian Pink
Champagne Cherry
Cherokee Purple
Chris Ukranian
Cows Tit
Depps Pink Fire Fly
Dr. Walter
Dr. Wyghe’s Yellow
Dwarf Champion
Early Girl
Frank’s Large Red
Fresh Salsa
George O’Brian
German Johnson
Giant Belgium
Giant Italian Paste
Giant Sicillian Paste
Gift from Woodland
Grandfather Ashlock
Grandma Viney’s
Granny Cantrell’s German Red
Green Grape
Green Zebra
Haley’s Purple Comet
Hasting Mildglobe
Hazelfield Farm Red
Hege German Pink
Hog Heart
Indiana Red
J.D.’S Texas Special
Kellog’s Breakfast
Kentucky Striped
King Umberto
KY Heirloom
Ky. Beefsteak
Ky. Light Yellow
Ky. Pink Stamper
Ky. Plate
Ky. Wonder
Large Red Cherry
Lenny & Gracie’s Red
Lenny & Gracie’s Yellow
Lichi Cherry
Lime Green Salad
Lincoln Adams
Linnie’s Oxheart
Livingdon Globe
Lumpy Red
Mama Leona
Marianna’s Peace
Max’s Large Green
Mikado Ecarlote
Moraviqua Del mercato
New Jersey Championship
New Yorker
Old Kentucky
Opalaka Paste
Opal’s Homestead
Orange Strawberry
Ozark Pink
Pale Perfect Purple
Pan American
Pasture Cherry
Peacevine Red Cherry
Pike County
Pik’s Yugo
Pink Climber
Pink Ice Cherry
Pink Ruffle
Plum Lemon
Polish C Pink
Potato Leaf Cherokee Purple
Pritchards Scarlet Red Topper
Purple Dog Creek
Red Calabash
Red Grape
Red Kimberly
Red Lightening
Red Robin
Red Russian
Riesentraube (Red)
Romeo Roman
Rose Beauty
Royal Hillbilly
San Marzano
Santorini Salad
Sicilian Saucer
St. Pierre
Striped Roman
Sun gold Cherry
Sweet Baby Girl
Sweet Meat
T.C. Jones Yellow
Tappy’s Finest Pink
Tondina Maremmano
Tony’s Italian Paste
Uncle Mark Bagby
Williams Striped
Winter Grape
Yellow Pear Cherry
Yoders German Yellow