Mater Days is early this year, since the first friday of the month was on the 1st. You will have to baby your plants for a few weeks at home before it’s safe to plant them outside. We have close to the same selection as we did last year. By some small miracle (a miracle named Lynda) we have buckets of veggies for you. It boggles our minds ever time we think of it, we got a massive amount of supplies moved, a greenhouse up and running, plant production ongoing, along with so much more, all in time for spring season 2016. We couldn’t be happier. And Lynda, as usual, made Mater Days happen. Thank you Lynda!! Below are lists for tomatoes, peppers, and other veggies.
Thienemans Veggie List
Thienemans Tomato List
Thienemans Pepper List
We have been working our butts off cleaning, organizing, and mostly transplanting plants rushing to get everything just perfect before our opening. We will open our doors this FRIDAY APRIL 1ST with a SOFT OPENING. …meaning… we know everyone is anxious to check out our new digs, so come visit, but many of our plants are still small yet and purchasing car loads of plants should wait until after mid April. We are so excited to see all of your familiar faces and of course new ones. We hope that all of you are patient with us this first year as we are transitioning to our new place. We will not have the breadth of plants we’ve carried in the past, BUT we will have plenty still. Lynda has been full speed trasplanting peppers and tomatoes. Susan and Julie are fast at work on veggies like kale, broccoli, strawberries etc. Mom and I have been getting perennials potted up, and mom is dizzy from all the herb production she’s doing. Terry and I, when we aren’t running after our three boys, have been straightening up, decorating and putting up gates and signs. We know many of you are also wondering about MATER DAYS. it’s a go! FRIDAY APRIL 15TH, third friday in april, God willing and the creek don’t rise!!
our new address is:
coming from louisville, we are the second drive on the left just after 480 (aka cedar grove rd)
louisville rd (aka hwy 31E, or bardstown rd)

Announced by all the trumpets of the sky,
Arrives the snow, and, driving o’er the fields,
Seems nowhere to alight: the whited air
Hides hills and woods, the river and the heaven,
And veils the farm-house at the garden’s end. -JGW
We are officially closed for the winter as we transition to the new property.
There is a lot of work to be done !! See you in the spring.